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Станьте нашим клиентом, нажмите, чтобы получить скидку 15% на ремонт количество просмотров: 4063
дата публикации: 28:04:2011
Страницы: 1 .. 7 8 9
-11000 pictInfoVersionErr
Version number not zero
-11001 pictInfoIDErr
Invalid PictInfo ID
-11002 pictInfoVerbErr
Invalid verb combination specified
-11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr
Custom pick method not in resource chain
-11004 colorsRequestedErr
The number of colors requested was illegal
-11005 pictureDataErr
The picture data was invalid
-13000 pmBusyErr
Power Manager never ready to start handshake
-13001 pmReplyTOErr
Timed out waiting for reply
-13002 pmSendStartErr
Power Manager did not start handshake during send
-13003 pmSendEndErr
Power Manager did not finish handshake during send
-13004 pmRecvStartErr
Power Manager did not start handshake during receive
-13005 pmRecvEndErr
Power Manager did not finish handshake during receive
-15044 kMailBadEnclLengthErr
-15053 kMailIgnoredErr
-15054 kMailLengthErr
-15055 kMailTooManyErr
-15056 kMailNoMSAMErr
-15102 kIPMCacheFillError
-15108 kIPMStreamErr
-15115 kIPMMgrInternalErr
-20000 unknownInsertModeErr
There is no such insert mode
-20001 recordDataTooBigErr
The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes)
-20002 invalidIndexErr
The recordIndex parameter is not valid
-23000 ipBadLapErr
-23001 ipBadCnfgErr
-23002 ipNoCnfgErr
-23003 ipLoadErr
-23004 ipBadAddr
-23005 connectionClosing
-23006 invalidLength
-23007 connectionExists
-23008 connectionDoesntExist
-23009 insufficientResources
-23010 invalidStreamPtr
-23011 streamAlreadyOpen
-23012 connectionTerminated
-23013 invalidBufPtr
-23014 invalidRDS invalidWDS
-23015 openFailed
-23016 commandTimeout
-23017 duplicateSocket
-23032 ipDontFragErr
-23033 ipDestDeadErr
-23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr
-23036 ipNoFragMemErr
-23037 ipRouteErr
-23041 nameSyntaxErr
-23042 cacheFault
-23043 noResultProc
-23044 noNameServer
-23045 authNameErr
-23046 noAnsErr
-23047 dnrErr
-23048 outOfMemory
-27000 gxLastSystemError
-27700 gxFirstSystemDebuggingError
-27800 gxFirstImplementationLimitError
-27850 gxFirstParameterError
-27851 gxLastFontScalerError
-27880 unknown_font_scaler_error
-27885 font_scaler_internal_error
-27886 font_scaler_rasterizer_error
-27887 font_scaler_hinting_error
-27900 gxFirstFontScalerError
-27948 internal_layout_error
-27949 internal_font_error
-27950 internal_error gxFirstNonfatalError
-27951 gxLastFatalError
-27998 internal_fatal_error
-27999 gxFirstSystemError gxFirstFatalError
-28461 kQ3ErrorPrivateExtensionError
-28462 kQ3ErrorExtensionError
-28484 kQ3ErrorX11Error
-28485 kQ3ErrorMacintoshError
-28486 kQ3ErrorUnixError
-28498 kQ3ErrorLastFatalError
-28500 kQ3ErrorInternalError
-29250 kMPLastError
-29288 kMPLibraryInternalInconsistencyError
-29295 kMPDeletedErr
-29296 kMPTimeoutErr
-29297 kMPTaskAbortedErr
-29298 kMPInsufficientResourcesErr
-29299 kMPFirstError kMPInvalidIDErr
Not a text file
Not enough heap space to allocate I/O buffer
Not enough heap space to allocate I/O control block
I/O system error (illegal use of buffer)
Too many includes
Attempt to use I/O control block which is currently in use
Illegal use of I/O control block
Invalid file type
Inconsistent dump format
Bus error: invalid memory reference
Address error: word or long-word reference to an odd address
Illegal instruction
Zero divide
Check exception: value out of range
Trap V exception
Privilege violation
Trace exception
Line 1010 exception: the 1010 trap dispatcher has failed
Line 1111 exception: Unimplemented instruction
Miscellaneous exception
Unimplemented core routine: Unimplemented trap number encountered
Spurious interrupt
I/O system error
Segment Loader error: a GetResource call failed
Floating point error
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t load package
Can’t allocate requested memory block in heap
Segment Loader error: a GetResource call to read a ‘CODE’ resource failed
File map destroyed
Stack overflow: the stack has expanded into the heap
File server error
“Please insert the disk”
The file named “Finder” Can’t be found on the disk
Unable to load menu bar defproc
Circular reference in hierarchical menu
Can’t mount system startup volume
-32615 fontNotOutlineErr
Bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
-32640 svDisabled
Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
Bad component selector
Bad component instance
-32768 fatalDateTime svTempDisable
Temporarily disable card but run primary init.
1 .. 7 8 9
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