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количество просмотров: 4052
дата публикации: 28:04:2011

Страницы: 1 .. 5 6 7 8 9

-2800 fragContextNotFound
Fragment contextID not valid
-2801 fragConnectionIDNotFound
Fragment connectionID not valid
-2802 fragSymbolNotFound
Fragment symbol not found in connection
-2803 fragSectionNotFound
Fragment section not found
-2804 fragLibNotFound
Fragment library name not found in registry
-2805 fragDupRegLibName
Fragment registered name already in use
-2806 fragFormatUnknown
Fragment container format unknown
-2807 fragHadUnresolveds
Loaded fragment had “hard” unresolved imports
-2808 fragUnused1
-2809 fragNoMem
Fragment out of memory for internal bookkeeping
-2810 fragNoAddrSpace
Fragment out of memory in user’s address space for loadable section
-2811 fragNoContextIDs
Fragment no more context ids
-2812 fragObjectInitSeqErr
Fragment order error during user initialization function invocation
-2813 fragImportTooOld
Import library was too old and therefore incompatible
-2814 fragImportTooNew
Import library was too new and therefore incompatible
-2815 fragInitLoop
Fragment circularity detected in mandatory initialization order
-2816 fragInitRtnUsageErr
Boot library has initialization routine
-2817 fragLibConnErr
Error connecting to library (error occurred in sub prepare)
-2818 fragMgrInitErr
Error in initialization of CFM
-2819 fragConstErr
Fragment internal inconsistency
-2820 fragCorruptErr
Fragment container corrupted (known format)
-2821 fragUserInitProcErr
Fragment user initialization routine did not return noErr
-2822 fragAppNotFound
No application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)
-2823 fragArchError
Fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture
-2824 fragInvalidFragmentUsage
Invalid fragment usage
-2899 fragLastErrCode
-3000 invalidComponentID
Invalid component ID
-3001 validInstancesExist
Valid instances exist
-3002 componentNotCaptured
Component not captured
Component doesn’t register
-3025 invalidTranslationPathErr
Invalid translation path
-3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr
Could not parse source file
-3030 noTranslationPathErr
No translation path
-3031 badTranslationSpecErr
Bad translation spec
-3032 noPrefAppErr
-3101 buf2SmallErr
ALAP frame too large for buffer / DDP datagram too large for buffer
-3102 noMPPErr
MPP driver not installed
-3103 ckSumErr
DDP bad checksum
-3104 extractErr
NBP Can’t find tuple in buffer
-3105 readQErr
Socket or protocol type invalid or not found in table
-3106 atpLenErr
ATP response message too large
Bad response from ATPRequest
ABRecord not found
-3109 sktClosedErr
Asynchronous call aborted because socket was closed before call was completed
-3120 kASLMNotFoundErr
-3124 kASLMInvalidObjectErr
-3125 kASLMPoolCorruptedErr
-3126 kASLMOutOfMemoryErr
-3127 kASLMCodeNotLoadedErr
-3128 kASLMCouldNotLoadCodeErr
-3129 kASLMFilePreflightedErr
-3130 kASLMFileNotPreflightedErr
-3131 kASLMFileNotFoundErr
-3132 kASLMLibraryManagerNotLoadedErr
-3134 kASLMDuplicateFoundErr
-3135 kASLMSeedChangedErr
-3136 kASLMUnconstructedObjectErr
-3137 kASLMInternalErrorErr
-3138 kASLMVersionErrorErr
-3139 kASLMFolderNotFoundErr
-3140 kASLMFolderInUseErr
-3141 kASLMResourceNotFoundErr
-3150 kOTBadAddressErr
-3151 kOTBadOptionErr
-3152 kOTAccessErr
-3153 kOTBadReferenceErr
-3154 kOTNoAddressErr
-3155 kOTOutStateErr kASLMNotAllowedNowErr
-3156 kOTBadSequenceErr
-3157 kOTSysErrorErr
-3158 kOTLookErr
-3159 kOTBadDataErr
-3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr
-3161 kOTFlowErr
-3162 kOTNoDataErr
-3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr
-3164 kOTNoUDErrErr
-3165 kOTBadFlagErr
-3166 kOTNoReleaseErr
-3167 kASLMNotSupportedErr kOTNotSupportedErr
-3168 kOTStateChangeErr
-3169 kOTNoStructureTypeErr
-3170 kOTBadNameErr
-3171 kOTBadQLenErr
-3172 kOTAddressBusyErr
-3173 kOTIndOutErr
-3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr
-3175 kOTResQLenErr
-3176 kOTResAddressErr
-3177 kOTQFullErr
-3178 kOTProtocolErr
-3179 kOTBadSyncErr
-3180 kOTCanceledErr
-3200 kEPERMErr
-3201 kENOENTErr kOTNotFoundErr
-3202 kENORSRCErr
-3203 kEINTRErr
-3204 kEIOErr
-3205 kENXIOErr
-3208 kEBADFErr
-3210 kEAGAINErr
-3211 kOTOutOfMemoryErr kENOMEMErr
-3212 kEACCESErr
-3213 kEFAULTErr
-3215 kEBUSYErr
-3216 kEEXISTErr kOTDuplicateFoundErr
-3218 kENODEVErr
-3221 kEINVALErr
-3224 kENOTTYErr
-3231 kEPIPEErr
-3233 kERANGEErr
-3236 kEALREADYErr
-3237 kENOTSOCKErr
-3239 kEMSGSIZEErr
-3249 kENETDOWNErr
-3254 kENOBUFSErr
-3255 kEISCONNErr
-3256 kENOTCONNErr
-3269 kEPROTOErr
-3270 kETIMEErr
-3271 kENOSRErr
-3272 kEBADMSGErr
-3273 kECANCELErr
-3274 kENOSTRErr
-3275 kENODATAErr
-3277 kESRCHErr
-3278 kENOMSGErr
-3279 kOTClientNotInittedErr
-3280 kOTPortHasDiedErr
-3281 kOTPortWasEjectedErr
-3282 kOTBadConfigurationErr
-3283 kOTConfigurationChangedErr
-3284 kOTUserRequestedErr
-4000 firstPickerError
-4002 pickerResourceError
-4008 badProfileError
Printing failure: no free connect control blocks available
Printing failure: bad connection reference number
Printing failure: request already active
Printing failure: write request too big
Connection to printer closed
Printer not found or closed
-4201 cmIndexRangeErr
-4203 cmFatalProfileErr
-4207 cmSearchError
-4212 cmNoGDevicesError
-5000 afpAccessDenied
Insufficient access privileges for operation
Further information required to complete AFPLogin call
Unknown user authentication method specified
Unknown AFP version number specified
-5004 afpBitmapErr
Bitmap contained bits undefined for call
Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified
-5006 afpDenyConflict
Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes
Cannot delete non-empty directory
Insufficient free space on volume for operation
-5009 afpEofError
Read beyond logical end-of-file
Cannot delete an open file
Cannot create directory on specified volume
-5012 afpItemNotFound
Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry
-5013 afpLockErr
Some or all of requested range is locked by another user
-5014 afpMiscErr
Unexpected error encountered during execution
-5015 afpNoMoreLocks
Maximum lock limit reached
Server not responding
Specified destination file or directory already exists
Specified file or directory does not exist
-5019 afpParmErr
A specified parameter was out of allowable range
-5020 afpRangeNotLocked
Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user
-5021 afpRangeOverlap
Some or all of range already locked by same user
Session closed
No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this session
Unsupported AFP call was made
-5025 afpObjectTypeErr
File/Directory specified where Directory/File expected
Maximum open file count reached
Server is shutting down
AFPRename cannot rename volume
Unknown directory specified
-5030 afpIconTypeError
Icon size specified different from existing icon size
-5031 afpVolLocked
Volume is Read-Only
-5032 afpObjectLocked
Object is MODIFY/READ/DELETE/WRITE inhibited
-5033 afpContainsSharedErr
the folder being shared contains a shared folder
-5034 afpIDNotFound
-5035 afpIDExists
-5036 afpDiffVolErr
-5037 afpCatalogChange
-5038 afpSameObjectErr
-5039 afpBadIDErr
-5040 afpPwdSameErr
someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mandatory
password change
-5041 afpPwdTooShortErr
the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be
met or exceeded
-5042 afpPwdExpiredErr
the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the
password before log-in can continue
-5043 afpInsideSharedErr
the folder being shared is inside or being moved to a shared folder
-5044 afpInsideTrashErr
the folder being shared is inside or being moved to the trash folder
-5063 afpSameNodeErr
-5101 kSRInternalError
-5500 envNotPresent
SysEnvirons call not present as a trap
-5501 envBadVers
Non-positive selector was passed to SysEnvirons trap
-5502 envVersTooBig
The version requested is greater than the current SysEnvirons trap can provide
-5550 gestaltUnknownErr
Value returned if Gestalt doesn’t know the answer
-5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr
Undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
-5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr
Tried to add an entry that already existed
-5553 gestaltLocationErr
Gestalt function pointer wasn’t in sysheap


1 .. 5 6 7 8 9




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