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количество просмотров: 4052
дата публикации: 28:04:2011

Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-800 rcDBNull
The data item was NULL
-801 rcDBValue
Data available or successfully retrieved
-802 rcDBError
Error executing function
-803 rcDBBadType
Next data item not of requested data type
-804 rcDBBreak
Function timed out
-805 rcDBExec
Query currently executing
-806 rcDBBadSessID
Session ID is invalid
-807 rcDBBadSessNum
Invalid session number
-808 rcDBBadDDEV rcDBBadDDev
Couldn’t open or find the specified database extension.
-809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp
The database extension does not support async calls
-810 rcDBBadAsyncPB rcDBBadAsynchPB
Invalid parameter block specified
-811 rcDBNoHandler
No application handler for specified data type
-812 rcDBWrongVersion
Wrong version
-813 rcDBPackNotInited
Attempt to call other routine before InitDBPack
-850 hmHelpDisabled
Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignored
Help Manager - resource not found
Help Manager - out of memory
-853 hmBalloonAborted
Because of constant cursor movement, the help balloon was not displayed
-854 hmSameAsLastBalloon
Menu & item is same as previous menu, item
-855 hmHelpManagerNotInited
Help menu not set up
Help Manager - bad selector
-857 hmSkippedBalloon
No balloon content to fill in
-858 hmWrongVersion
Help manager resource was the wrong version
-859 hmUnknownHelpType
Help message record contained a bad type
Help Manager - could not load package
-861 hmOperationUnsupported
Invalid method passed in the method parameter
-862 hmNoBalloonUp
No balloon showing
-863 hmCloseViewActive
User using Close View won’t let you remove balloons
-900 notInitErr
PPCToolBox not initialized
-902 nameTypeErr
Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in location name
-903 noPortErr
Unable to open port or bad portRefNum
-904 noGlobalsErr
The system is unable to allocate memory, critical error
-905 localOnlyErr
Network activity is currently disabled
-906 destPortErr
Port does not exist at destination
-907 sessTableErr
Out of session tables
-908 noSessionErr
Invalid session reference number
-909 badReqErr
Bad parameter or invalid state for operation
-910 portNameExistsErr
A port is already open with this name
-911 noUserNameErr
User name unknown on destination machine
-912 userRejectErr
Destination rejected the session request
-913 noMachineNameErr
User hasn’t named his Macintosh in the Sharing Setup Control Panel
-914 noToolboxNameErr
A system resource is missing
-915 noResponseErr
Unable to contact application
-916 portClosedErr
The port was closed
-917 sessionClosedErr sessClosedErr
The session was closed
-919 badPortNameErr
PPCPortRec malformed
-922 noDefaultUserErr
User hasn’t specified an owner’s name in Sharing Setup Control Panel
-923 notLoggedInErr
The default userRefNum does not yet exist
-924 noUserRefErr
Unable to create a new userRefNum
-925 networkErr
Error has occurred in the network
-926 noInformErr
PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending
-927 authFailErr
User’s password is wrong
-928 noUserRecErr
Invalid user reference number
-930 badServiceMethodErr
Illegal service type, or not supported
-931 badLocNameErr
Location name is invalid
-932 guestNotAllowedErr
Destination port requires authentication
-1000 noMaskFoundErr
No mask found
Bad shared library
Mixed mode failure
-1024 nbpBuffOvr
NBP buffer overflow
NBP name not confirmed
-1026 nbpConfDiff
NBP name confirmed for different socket
-1027 nbpDuplicate nbpDuplicateName
NBP duplicate name already exists
-1028 nbpNotFound
NBP name not found
-1029 nbpNISErr
NBP names information socket error
-1066 aspBadVersNum
Server cannot support this ASP version
-1067 aspBufTooSmall
Buffer too small
-1068 aspNoMoreSess
No more sessions on server
-1069 aspNoServers
No servers at that address
-1070 aspParamErr
ASP parameter error
-1071 aspServerBusy
Server cannot open another session
-1072 aspSessClosed
Session closed
-1073 aspSizeErr
Command block too big
-1074 aspTooMany
Too many server clients
-1075 aspNoAck
No acknowledge on server attention request
ATPSndRequest failed: retry count exceeded
ATP too many concurrent requests
ATP too many responding sockets
ATP bad responding socket
ATP bad sequence number
-1101 noRelErr
ATP no release received
ATP control block not found
ATPAddRsp issued before ATPSndRsp
Too many outstanding ATP calls
Request aborted
-1273 errOpenDenied
Open connection request was denied
-1274 errDSPQueueSize
DSP Read/Write Queue Too small
-1275 errFwdReset
Read terminated by forward reset
-1276 errAttention
Attention message too long
-1277 errOpening
Open connection request failed
-1278 errState
Bad connection state for this operation
-1279 errAborted
Control call was aborted
-1280 errRefNum
Bad connection refNum
-1300 fidNotFound fidNotFoundErr
No file thread exists.
-1301 fidExists
File id already exists
-1302 notAFileErr
Directory specified
-1303 diffVolErr
Files on different volumes
-1304 catChangedErr
The catalog has been modified
-1305 desktopDamagedErr
Desktop database files are corrupted
-1306 sameFileErr
Can’t exchange a file with itself
-1307 badFidErr
File id is dangling or doesn’t match with the file number
-1308 notARemountErr
When _Mount allows only remounts and doesn’t get a remount.
-1309 fileBoundsErr
-1310 fsDataTooBigErr
-1504 kOCEVersionErr
-1505 kOCESyncAsyncErr
-1506 kOCEInternalErr
-1512 kOCEConnectionErr
-1625 kOCEStreamCreationErr
-1628 kOCEDSAMInstallErr
-1629 kOCEDirListFullErr
-1630 kOCEDirectoryNotFoundErr
-1637 kOCELengthError
-1643 kOCEMiscError
-1700 errAECoercionFail
Data could not be coerced to the requested data type
-1701 errAEDescNotFound
Descriptor was not found
-1702 errAECorruptData
Data in an AppleEvent could not be read
-1703 errAEWrongDataType
Data with a keyword was expected but not found
-1704 errAENotAEDesc
Not a valid AppleEvent descriptor
-1705 errAEBadListItem
Specified list item does not exist
-1706 errAENewerVersion
Need newer version of AppleEvent Manager
-1707 errAENotAppleEvent
The event is not in AppleEvent format
-1708 errAEEventNotHandled
The AppleEvent was not handled by any handler
-1709 errAEReplyNotValid
AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter
-1710 errAEUnknownSendMode
Mode wasn’t NoReply, WaitReply, or QueueReply; or Interaction level is unknown
-1711 errAEWaitCanceled
In AESend, User canceled out of wait loop for reply or receipt
-1712 errAETimeout
AppleEvent timed out
-1713 errAENoUserInteraction
No user interaction allowed
-1714 errAENotASpecialFunction
There is no special function with this keyword
-1715 errAEParamMissed
A required parameter was not accessed
-1716 errAEUnknownAddressType
The target address type is not known
-1717 errAEHandlerNotFound
No handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters
-1718 errAEReplyNotArrived
The contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet
-1719 errAEIllegalIndex
Index is out of range in a put operation
-1720 errAEImpossibleRange
Impossible range
-1721 errAEWrongNumberArgs
Wrong number of arguments
-1723 errAEAccessorNotFound
Accessor not found
-1725 errAENoSuchLogical
No such logical operator
-1726 errAEBadTestKey
Bad test key
-1727 errAENotAnObjectSpec errAENotAnObjSpec
Not an object specifier
-1728 errAENoSuchObject
No such object
-1729 errAENegativeCount
Negative count
-1730 errAEEmptyListContainer
Empty list container
-1731 errAEUnknownObjectType
-1732 errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn
-1750 errOSASystemError
-1751 errOSAInvalidID
-1752 errOSABadStorageType
-1753 errOSAScriptError
-1754 errOSABadSelector
-1756 errOSASourceNotAvailable
-1757 errOSANoSuchDialect
-1758 errOSADataFormatObsolete
-1759 errOSADataFormatTooNew
-1761 errOSAComponentMismatch
-1762 errOSACantOpenComponent


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




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