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количество просмотров: 4052
дата публикации: 28:04:2011

Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 .. 9

-102 noTypeErr
No object of that type in scrap
-108 iMemFullErr memFullErr
Not enough room in heap zone
-109 nilHandleErr
NIL master pointer
-110 memAdrErr
Address was odd, or out of range
-111 memWZErr
Attempt to operate on a free block
-112 memPurErr
Attempt to purge a locked or non-purgeable block
-113 memAZErr
Address in zone check failed
-114 memPCErr
Pointer check failed
-115 memBCErr
Block check failed
-116 memSCErr
Size check failed
-117 memLockedErr
Block is locked
-120 dirNFErr
Directory not found
-121 tmwdoErr
Too many working directories open
-122 badMovErr
Attempt to move into offspring (file system)
-123 wrgVolTypErr
Attempt to do a hierarchical operation on a non hierarchical volume
-124 volGoneErr
Server volume has been disconnected
-125 updPixMemErr
Insufficient memory to update a pixmap
-126 mBarNFnd
System error code for MBDF not found
-127 hMenuFindErr
Could not find HMenu’s parent in MenuKey
-128 usrCanceledErr userCanceledErr
User canceled the query
No file thread exists
Directory specified
File id already exists
-145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr
Not enough memory for picture
-147 rgnTooBigError rgnOverflowErr
Region accumulation failed. Resulting region may be corrupt
-148 pixMapTooDeepErr
Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel
-149 insufficientStackErr nsStackErr
QuickDraw could not complete the operation (insufficient stack)
-150 cMatchErr
Color2Index failed to find an index
-151 cTempMemErr
Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures
-152 cNoMemErr
Failed to allocate memory for structure
-153 cRangeErr
Range error in colorTable request
-154 cProtectErr
ColorTable entry protection violation
-155 cDevErr
Invalid type of graphics device
-156 cResErr
Invalid resolution for MakeITable
-157 cDepthErr
Invalid pixel depth
Invalid parameter
-170 cmProfileError
-171 cmMethodError
-178 cmCantConcatenateError
-185 badExtResource
Extended resource has a bad format.
-186 CantDecompress
Resource bent - Can’t decompress a compressed resource
-188 resourceInMemory
Resource already in memory
-189 writingPastEnd
Writing past end of file
-190 inputOutOfBounds
Offset or count out of bounds
-192 resNotFound
Resource not found
-193 resFNotFound
Resource file not found
-194 addResFailed
AddResource failed
-195 addRefFailed
AddReference failed
-196 rmvResFailed
RmveResource failed
-197 rmvRefFailed
RmveReference failed
-198 resAttrErr
Resource attribute error
-199 mapReadErr
Resource map read error
-200 noHardwareErr
No sound hardware
-201 notEnoughHardwareErr
All available channels are already open for the synthesizer
-203 queueFull
Sound channel full
-204 resProblem
Sound resource error
-205 badChannel
Bad sound channel specified
-206 badFormat
Bad sound resource format
-207 notEnoughBufferSpace
Could not allocate enough memory
-208 badFileFormat
Corrupt/bad format or not of type AIFF
-209 channelBusy
The Channel is being used already
-210 buffersTooSmall
Can not operate in the memory allowed
Channel not currently used
-212 noMoreRealTime
Not enough CPU cycles left to add another task
A parameter is incorrect
-220 siNoSoundInHardware
No Sound Input hardware
-221 siBadSoundInDevice
Invalid Sound Input device
-222 siNoBufferSpecified
No buffer specified
-223 siInvalidCompression
Invalid compression type
-224 siHardDriveTooSlow
Hard disk drive too slow to record to disk
-225 siInvalidSampleRate
Invalid sample rate
-226 siInvalidSampleSize
Invalid sample size
-227 siDeviceBusyErr
Input device already in use
-228 siBadDeviceName
Input device could not be opened
-229 siBadRefNum
Invalid input device reference number
-230 siInputDeviceErr
Input device hardware failure
-231 siUnknownInfoType
Unknown type of information
-232 siUnknownQuality
Unknown quality
No synthesizer found
Synthesizer open failed
Synthesizer not ready
Buffer too small
Voice not found
Incompatible voice
Bad dictionary format
Bad input text
-250 midiNoClientErr
No client with that ID found
-251 midiNoPortErr
No port with that ID found
-252 midiTooManyPortsErr
Too many ports already installed in the system
-253 midiTooManyConsErr
Too many connections made
-254 midiVConnectErr
Pending virtual connection created
-255 midiVConnectMade
Pending virtual connection resolved
-256 midiVConnectRmvd
Pending virtual connection removed
-257 midiNoConErr
No connection exists between specified ports
-258 midiWriteErr
MIDIWritePacket couldn’t write to all connected ports
-259 midiNameLenErr
Name supplied is longer than 31 characters
-260 midiDupIDErr
Duplicate client ID
-261 midiInvalidCmdErr
Command not supported for port type
-290 smSDMInitErr
SDM could not be initialized
-291 smSRTInitErr
Slot Resource Table could not be initialized
-292 smPRAMInitErr
Slot Resource Table could not be initialized
-293 smPriInitErr
Cards could not be initialized
-299 nmTypErr
Wrong queue type
-300 smEmptySlot
No card in slot


1 2 3 4 5 .. 9




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