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количество просмотров: 41147
дата публикации: 21:08:2006
Расширения файлов - P - PL

P PASCAL Program File

P ReaGeniX Code Generator Application Parameter File

P ZX81 Image File

P Cliq Accessories Datebook Permissions

P Applause Picture

P Progress Database Procedure File (Progress Software Corporation)

P00 C64 Emulator Program File

P01 Toast CD Image

P01 Parity Volume Set

P02 Parity Volume Set

P03 Parity Volume Set

P04 Parity Volume Set

P05 Parity Volume Set

P06 Parity Volume Set

P07 Parity Volume Set

P08 Parity Volume Set

P09 Parity Volume Set

P1 MicroImages Print Driver File (MicroImages, Inc.)

P10 Certificate Request

P10 PKCS #7 Certificate

P10 Tektronix Plot 10 Drawing

P12 Personal Information Exchange File

P16 ProTracker Studio Music

P1C IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File

P1I IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File

P22 Patch22 Patch File

P2A IBM Voice Type Language Vocabels File

P2C IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File

P2C pic2clik Photo Album

P2D PointLineCAD 2D Drawing - 2D Document (Point Line, Inc.)

P2I IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File

P2L PointLineCAD 2D Drawing Layer (Point Line, Inc.)

P2M Peer2Mail Archive Part and Definition (SoftBulldog)

P2P Picture to Part Data File (GraphiTech Ltd.)

P2P PeerGuardian IP Blocking List (Methlabs)

P3 Primavera Project Planner Project File (Primavera Systems, Inc.)

P34 P34 Lotto File

P3C Primavera Project Planner Compressed Backup (Primavera Systems, Inc.)

P3C IBM Voice Type Language New User File

P3D 3D Graphic

P3D Operation Flashpoint Game Model (Bohemia Interactive and The Codemasters Software Company Limited)

P3D PointLineCAD 3D Drawing - 3D Document Manager File (Point Line, Inc.)

P3E PC-Doctor File

P3I PC-Doctor File

P3L PointLineCAD 3D Drawing Layer (Point Line, Inc.)

P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences

P56 Patch

P5W Ressource

P64 Picasso 64

P64 H.261 Encoded Video File

P65 PageMaker Version 6.5 File (Adobe)

P7 XV Visual Schnauzer Thumbnail Format

P7B PKCS #7 Certificate

P7C PKCS #7 Certificate

P7M PKCS #7 MIME Message

P7R PKCS #7 Certificate

P7S PKCS #7 Signature

PA Print Artist Project

PA1 PageAhead Worktable

PA2 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PA3 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PA3 Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)

PA4 Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)

PA5 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PA5 Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)

PAA Personal Ancestral File (Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

PAB Personal Address Book (Microsoft Corporation)

PAC Pacman File

PAC Win2020 / Polistream Video Subtitle Data (Screen Subtitling Systems Ltd.)

PAC Windows Applications Manager Added or Changed Package

PAC Photo-CD Multi-resolution Image File

PAC Desperados: Wanted D|A Archive

PAC LPAC Lossless Compressed Audio (Tilman Liebchen)

PAC STAD Graphic

PAC CrossePAC Compressed Archive (Digital Strategies, Inc.)

PAC SBStudio Song + Sound Package

PAC Sound Blaster Studio II Package

PACKAGE Autopackage Software Installation Package (Autopackage)

PACKAGE The Sims 2 DBPF Resource Package (Electronic Arts (Maxis))

PAD Digital Paper Description

PAD Top Secret Crypto Gold True One Time Pad File (TAN$TAAFL Software Company)

PAD MicroSim PCBoard PADS-compatible Netlist File

PAD Scanner Output

PAD Telemate Keypad Definition

PAD Visual Expert Source Code Documentation

PAE Projet Personal AVI Editor

PAE PowerArchiver 20002 Encrypted Archive

PAF Ensoniq PARIS Audio Format (E-MU Systems)

PAF Personal Ancestral File Family Database (Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

PAG Lmsoft-Hypermedia Page

PAG Psion Organiser Pager File (Psion PLC)

PAG Visual Basic Property Page File (Microsoft Corporation)

PAG ActivePerl Pro Studio Hash Database (ActiveState, a division of Sophos)

PAINT MacPaint Bitmap Graphic

PAJ Pajek Project File

PAK Quake 2 Archive

PAK Lands of Lore Archive

PAK Infonie File

PAK Final Fantasy VIII (Square Enix Co., Ltd)

PAK Hexen 2 Archive

PAK Heretic 2 Archive

PAK Hand of Fate Archive

PAK Half Life Archive

PAK Dune 2 Archive

PAK Compressed Archive File

PAK Quake Archive

PAK Trickstyle Archive

PAK Daikatana

PAL Protos Process Model (Pallas Athena)

PAL Personal Ancestral File

PAL Rise of Nations Campaign Media File (Microsoft)

PAL PageMaker Library Palette (Adobe)

PAL Dr. Halo Palette

PAL ZX Spectrum-Emulator

PAL Lotus Freelance

PAL Harvard Graphics Palette (Harvard Graphics)

PAL Compressed File

PAL Command & Conquer File

PAL Color Palette (Microsoft)

PAL Tree Professional Palm Creator File

PALM Palm Pixmap

PALM Programming

PAM Personal Ancestral File (Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

PAM PAM Property Appraisal Manager Project (PAM Software (UK) Ltd)

PAM Tonline Ob4hbci Smartupdate File

PAN The Panorama Factory Project (Smoky City Design, LLC)

PAN CorelDraw Printer-specific File

PAN Panorama Database (ProVUE Development)

PAN Chromeleon Control Panel

PAN Infinite Pictures, Inc. iMove Viewer

PAN SmoothMove Pan Viewer

PANDO Pando Package (Pando Networks)

PAP Tree Professional Palm Creator Image File

PAP Corel Painter Pattern, Selection or Texture File

PAQ HP System Recovery File (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

PAQ Quantum Archive

PAR Digitalk Parts Application

PAR Fractint Parameter File

PAR Solid Edge Document (UGS PLM Solutions)

PAR SolidEdge 3D CAD Model

PAR SmartPar

PAR SAP Enterprise Portal Component

PAR Windows 3.x Permanent Output (Swap) File

PAR POV-Ray Parameter File

PAR FMS Flight Characteristics File (Roman & Michael Möller)

PAR Parity Volume Sets (.P01,...)

PAR Mirror Archive Restoration File

PAR ImageZoom Parameter File (Scalado)

PAR Model Parameter File

PAR2 Parity Archive Volume Set

PARAM Kosima Scripts File

PART eDonkey Partial Download (MetaMachine)

PART Partial Go!Zilla Download

PART eMule Plus Partial Download (eMule Team)

PART1 Netobjects Fusion Netobjects System File

PART2 Netobjects Fusion Netobjects System File

PAS Pascal Source Code

PAS C++ Builder 6 Source (Borland Software Corporation)

PAS Delphi Source (Borland Software Corporation)

PASS Quiz Editor Password Protected File (Minimouse)

PAT Polygon Attribute Table

PAT Corel Vector Pattern (Corel)

PAT File Investigator Pattern File (RobWare)

PAT GIMP Pattern (The GIMP Team)

PAT Forte Technologies Patch File

PAT Hatch Patterns Photostyler

PAT US Patent and Trademark Office Bitmap

PAT PCStitch Pattern (M&R Technologies, Inc.)

PAT WarHack Warcraft2 exePatch Utility

PAT DART Pro 98 Pattern

PAT Vector Pattern

PAT Paint Shop Pro Pattern (Corel Corporation)

PAT Patch File

PAT Sound

PAT Smash Simulator Test Pattern

PAT MultiMate 3.3

PAT AutoCAD Hatch Pattern (Autodesk, Inc.)

PAT ArcView Geocoding Pattern Recognition File (ESRI)

PAT Arcinfo Coverage

PAT Fast-Talk Phonetic Audio Track (Fast-Talk Communications, Inc.)

PAT Orchida Embroidery System (Orchida Soft)

PAT CADTERNS Sloper File (CADTERNS Custom Clothing Inc.)

PAT Palace Server Rooms Configuration File (Communities.com)

PAT Train Simulator Track Path (Microsoft Corporation)

PAT Photoshop Pattern File (Adobe)

PAT Advanced Gravis Ultrasound Patch File

PAT PatternSmith Cutting Pattern File (Autometrix)

PATCH General Patch File

PATTERN Photoline5 Defaults File

PAU OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Paused Message

PAV MediaMatrix Peavey Architectural View (Peavey Electronics)

PAV Panda Antivirus File

PAV???? Panda Antivirus File

PAX Project A.R.S.E Brain File

PAX Pick Ax Secure Graphic File (Smaller Animals Software, Inc.)

PAX Personal Ancestral File (Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

PAY PriorityRate (Priority Data Sytems)

PAZ Project A.R.S.E Brain File

PB PixBase Setup

PB WinFax Pro Phone Book (Symantec)

PB Proboard Configuration

PB PowerBASIC Configuration (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PB PureBasic Source Code (Fantaisie Software)

PB FAXability Fax

PB PuffBOMB Extra Level File (Sykhronics)

PB PocketCache Backup File (Kadena Systems, Inc.)

PB1 First Publisher Document

PB2 OrindaBuild Configuration (Orinda Software Ltd)

PB2 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PBA PowerBASIC Source Code (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBA Process Panel Builder (ABB Ltd)

PBB MS Mail Address Information File

PBD PowerBuilder Dynamic Library

PBD Faxit Phone Book

PBD Palm Database (Palm, Inc.)

PBD Epicentric Portal Server Module Java Bean (Vignette Corporation)

PBD Graphic Format (Adobe)

PBD iSilo Document (DC & Co.)


PBF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File

PBF Portable Bitmap Format File

PBF Sprite Backup Mobile Device Image (Sprite Software)

PBF PBook E-book Format

PBF Paragon Disk Image

PBF Grand Prix Legends BMAP (Bitmap) File

PBH PowerBASIC Help File (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBI PC-BSD Setup File (PC-BSD Software)


PBI PowerBASIC Include File (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBI Profiler Binary Input (Microsoft)

PBK HP-95LX Phone Book File

PBK ElectraSoft Fax Phone Book

PBK Phonebook (Microsoft)

PBL PowerBASIC Library (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBL PowerBuilder Source Code Library (Sybase)

PBL Publitor Data File (Soho Soho Ltd.)

PBM UNIX Portable Bitmap Graphic

PBMP Pilot Bitmap

PBMV Portable Bitmap File

PBN Portable Bridge Notation

PBO Operation Flashpoint Game Mission Folder (Bohemia Interactive and The Codemasters Software Company Limited)

PBO Profiler Binary Output

PBOB Vbox Preview (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)

PBP Phoenix Visual Designer Project (Prometheus Software)

PBP Perl Builder File

PBP PSP Firmware Update Image (Sony Corporation of America)

PBPROJ Project Builder Project (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PBQ Audio

PBQ PunkBuster Query Script

PBR PowerBuilder Resource File

PBR PowerBASIC Resource File (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBR BorderManager 3.5 Support Pack 3 File

PBR Publisher Autosave/Autorecovery/Backup File (Microsoft)

PBR BI/Suite Hypercube Presentation

PBR PowerBuilder Resource

PBS PowerArchiver Backup Script

PBS Paint Shop Pro Brush Stroke Preset (Corel Corporation)

PBT Profiler Binary Table

PBT Micro Dynamics MARS

PBTPL PowerBASIC Template (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PBV Paint Shop Pro Bevel Preset (Corel Corporation)

PBX Outlook Express Message Folder

PC Sierra Print Artist Postcard

PC Postcard

PC PC-specific Text File

PC Oracle Pro*C Source Code (Oracle)

PC Personal Composer Musical Notation (Personal Composer Inc.)

PC1 Degas & Degas Elite

PC2 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PC2 PrivateChat!

PC2 Degas & Degas Elite

PC2 AutoCAD R14 Plotter Configuration (Autodesk, Inc.)

PC3 Harvard Graphics Custom Palette (Harvard Graphics)

PC3 AutoCAD R2000 Plotter Configuration (Autodesk, Inc.)

PC3 Degas & Degas Elite

PC3 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PC5 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PC5 Rockwell Software Logix 5 File


PC8 NewWave Write ASCII IBM8 Character Set

PC? 2D Graphic

PCA Sonic Foundry Perfect Clarity Audio File (Sony Corporation of America)

PCA PCAnywhere Registry Backup

PCA MicroSim PCBoard Layout Database File

PCB PCB Layout Check Design Rule Template (Top Tec PCB Ltd.)

PCB ExpressPCB Printed Circuit Board Layout (ExpressPCB)

PCB PADS Printed Circuit Board (Mentor Graphics Corp.)

PCB P-CAD Database (Altium Limited)

PCB PC-Doctor File

PCB PowerPoint Application Data File (Microsoft)

PCB Print Shop Deluxe Business Card

PCB Protel Technology Advanced PCB Design

PCB Broderbund Print Shop Business Card

PCB ACCEL or Protel Printed Circuit Board File

PCB Ivex Winboard Design File

PCC PC Paintbrush Image File

PCC PC Checkup System Information

PCC PC Paintbrush Cutout Picture Vector Graphic (Zsoft)

PCC VideoCraft GIF

PCD Visual Test (Microsoft)

PCD Images CD Creator Corel Adaptec

PCD P-Code Compiled Test Scripts

PCD Photo-CD Image (Kodak)

PCDS Photo-CD Image

PCE PC Engine

PCE Print Shop Envelope

PCE PC-Doctor File

PCE Mail Signature

PCE Borland Package Collection Editor File (Borland Software Corporation)

PCE Eudora Mailbox Name Map

PCF Cisco VPN Client Configuration (Cisco Systems, Inc.)


PCF Profiler Command File

PCF DD PrintCenter Document (Imagetech Corporation, Ltd.)

PCF UNIX Font File

PCF Process Charter Data (Scitor Corporation)

PCF Calyx Point

PCF HP-95LX Printer Configuration File

PCF Paint Shop Pro Colored Foil Preset (Corel Corporation)

PCF PowerToy Calculator Saved Functions and Variables (Microsoft Corporation)

PCF Systems Management Server (SMS) Patron Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)

PCG Photo CD Graphic File

PCG TRITON Le or Karma Music Workstation Ver. 1.x and 2.x Synthesizer File (KORG)

PCH Pixeur Color History File (Veign)

PCH Visual C PreCompiled Header (Microsoft Corporation)

PCH Patch File

PCH2 Nord Modular G2 Patch (Clavia DMI AB)

PCI Windows PCI Miniport file (Microsoft)

PCI PC-Doctor File

PCI1 WinControl DCX-AT3000 Motion Control Command Language File (Precision MicroControl Corp.)

PCI3 WinControl DCX-AT3000 Motion Control Command Language File (Precision MicroControl Corp.)

PCJ IBM Linkaway-Live Multimedia Tool Graphics

PCK Package


PCK Commandos II File

PCK Systems Management Server (SMS) Received Package File (Microsoft Corporation)

PCK Turbo Pascal Pick File (Borland Software Corporation)

PCL HP Printer Control Language (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

PCL 2D Graphic Page Control Language

PCLF PC MightyMax Offline Licensing File (PC MightyMax, Inc.)

PCM Sound File

PCM Bliss for Windows (Handicom)

PCM Embroidery Design File

PCM Image Photoline

PCM LaserJet Printer Cartridge Metric (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

PCM OKI MSM6376 Synth Chip PCM Format

PCN Paint Shop Pro Contour Preset (Corel Corporation)

PCO PC-Outline Outline

PCP PC Paint (DOS) Bitmap Image

PCP Symantec Live Update Pro

PCP AutoCAD R13 and Prior Plotter Configuration (Autodesk, Inc.)

PCR Creatacard Post Card Project (Broderbund)

PCR PCMark Benchmark File (Futuremark Corp.)

PCS Ultra Zip Password Cracker (UZPC)

PCS PowerPoint ClipArt Gallery Picture Storage (Microsoft)

PCS PICS Animation

PCS Apple Macintosh PICT File Animation (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PCS Pfaff Home Embroidery Format (Pfaff)

PCS Painter4 PICT File

PCT Honeywell GUS Display Builder

PCT Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing

PCT Bitmap Graphic

PCT PC Paint Bitmap

PCT Clipart ClarisWorks


PCU PC MightyMax Undo File (PC MightyMax, Inc.)

PCU XProfan Compiled Unit (Roland G. Hülsmann)

PCV MozBackup Backup (Pavel Cvrcek)

PCV Move Me Moving Van (Spearit Software)

PCV PC Upgrade Commander (V Communications, Inc.)

PCW PC Write Text File

PCX PC Paintbrush Bitmap Graphic


PD Paradox Table

PD1 DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup (Fsys Software)

PD2 DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup (Fsys Software)

PD3 ICDD X-ray Powder Diffraction Patterns and Digitized Diffractogram

PD3 3ds Max (Autodesk, Inc.)

PD3 Denso BHT-7000 Terminal Executable Program File

PD3 DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup (Fsys Software)

PD4 DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup (Fsys Software)

PD5 DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup (Fsys Software)

PDA Print Shop Bitmap Graphic

PDB Protein Databank File

PDB C64 Emulator File

PDB Insight II Brookhaven Protein Databand File (Accelrys Software Inc.)

PDB MonkeyCard/MonkeyLogo

PDB TealPaint

PDB Tact File

PDB Visual C++/.NET Program Database File (Microsoft Corporation)

PDB Ribbons Data

PDB QuickPOS Database File

PDB Powerproject Teamplan

PDB PowerDesigner Physical Model Backup

PDB PowerBuilder Dynamic Library

PDB PhotoDeluxe Image (Adobe)

PDB Photo Deluxe Image

PDB Pegasus DataBase

PDB Palmpilot Database/Document File (Palm, Inc.)

PDB BGBlitz Position Database (Frank Berger)

PDB PowerBASIC Debugger Symbols (PowerBASIC, Inc.)

PDB MDL Molfile Protein DataBank (MDL Information Systems, Inc.)

PDB MolMol Molecule Description File

PDB Pilot Image Format

PDBX Insight II X-PLOR Coordinate File (Accelrys Software Inc.)

PDC PowerDivX NextGen Media Player Chapter File

PDC PReS Print Control

PDD PhotoDeluxe Image (Adobe)

PDE Principalm Student Information Extract (Discovery Software Ltd.)

PDES PIPE-FLO Professional Design File Template (Engineered Software)

PDF Ventura Publisher EPS-variation Page (Corel Corporation)

PDF P-CAD Database Interchange Format (Altium Limited)

PDF Package Definition File

PDF Netware Printer Definition File

PDF Ed-Scan 24-bit Graphic File

PDF Analyser Protocol Definition

PDF Systems Management Server (SMS) Package Description File (Microsoft Corporation)

PDF ArcView Preferences Definition File (ESRI)

PDF Acrobat Portable Document Format (Adobe Systems Inc.)

PDFENX egis Encrypted PDF File (HiTRUST Inc.)

PDG PrintShop Deluxe File

PDG Print Designer GOLD Data File (CAM Development)

PDI PReS Document Creation Subroutines

PDI PowerPoint Import/Export (Microsoft)

PDI IBM VideoTex

PDI PI ProcessBook Display Definition File (OSIsoft, Inc.)

PDI InstantCopy Disc Image (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)

PDL SymbianOS Printer Driver


PDL Print Shop Project

PDL C++ Project Description Language (Borland Software Corporation)

PDL Programmable Driver Language (Quovadx, Inc.)

PDM PowerDivX NextGen Media Player

PDM Sybase Power Designer File

PDN Plan de Negocio

PDN Paint.NET Image

PDO Access Package Deployment Script (Microsoft)

PDP Broderbund Print Shop Deluxe File

PDP Photoshop PDF Format (Adobe)

PDQ Patton & Patton Flowcharting PDQ Lite File

PDQ PDQ Lite Flowchart


PDR SymbianOS Printer Resource File

PDR Port Driver (Microsoft)

PDS NASA Planetary Data System Format Space Mission Data

PDS Source Code File

PDS Telsis HiCall Program File

PDS VICAR: Video Image Communication and Retrieval Graphic

PDS Print Shop Graphic

PDS IncrediMail (IncrediMail Ltd.)

PDS PLDASM Source Code

PDS Planetary Data System

PDT VersaPro Compiled Block

PDT InkWriter/Note Taker Template (Microsoft)

PDT ProCite Primary Database

PDV Paintbrush Printer Driver

PDW HiJaak Vector Graphics

PDW Professional Draw Document

PDX Acrobat Catalog Index (Adobe)

PDX PDXplorer IPC-2570 Product Data Exchange Information (Active Sensing, Inc.)

PDX Mayura Draw

PDX PageMaker Printer Description (Adobe)

PDX Paradox Files

PDX ProCite Database Keys

PDZ GZipped Brookhaven Protein Databank File

PD_ Visc15 Images Setup File

PE Microsoft Symbol and Type Information

PE Portable Executable File

PE PatentEase File

PE3 QuickViewer Image Archive

PE3 PhotoImpact Image Archive (Ulead)

PE4 PhotoImpact Image Archive (Ulead)

PE4 Photo Explorer Thumbnail

PEA P-Encryption Suite Archive (CadabraSoftware, Inc.)

PEA Peach Text File

PEB WordPerfect Program Editor Bottom Overflow File (Corel Corporation)

PEBPRJ PEBundle File

PEC Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery Format

PED WordPerfect Program Editor Delete Save (Corel Corporation)

PEG Red Faction II Game Data

PEH Power Email Harvester (YesGoal LLC)

PEI Performer Software Encrypted Image (Performer Software)

PEK Premiere Graphic Waveform Data (Adobe Systems Inc.)

PEM WordPerfect Program Editor Macro (Corel Corporation)

PEM Audio Module

PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail Security Certificate

PEN Paint Shop Pro Enamel Preset (Corel Corporation)

PEN io Software Digital Pen Ink File (Logitech, Inc.)

PEO Homeworld MESH File (Sierra)

PEP TurboProject Project File

PEPPER Pepper Keeper Shared Package File (Pepper Computer, Inc.)

PEQ WordPerfect Program Editor Print Queue File (Corel Corporation)

PER WordPerfect Program Editor Resident Area (Corel Corporation)

PER Rise of Nations AI File (Microsoft)

PERL Perl Source File

PES Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery Format

PES WordPerfect Program Editor Work Space File (Corel Corporation)

PET WordPerfect Program Editor Top Overflow File (Corel Corporation)

PET Magic Petz File

PET Macintosh PICT Image

PET Custom CD Menu

PEW IAR Embedded Workbench

PEX Proboard Executable Program

PF Progress Database Parameter File (Progress Software Corporation)

PF Prefetch (also called Scenario) File (Microsoft)

PF ICC Profile

PF Monitor or Printer Profile File

PF Archive

PF Aladdin Systems Private Files Encrypted File

PF? SmartWare Project Source File

PFA Postscript Type 1 Font

PFA Formdef or Pagedef Source Code

PFA PostScript Unhinted Type 3 Font

PFB DESQview (Symantec)

PFB PostScript Type 1 Font (Adobe)

PFC First Choice Text File

PFC AOL Preferences/Favorites/Mail (America Online, Inc.)

PFC New Soft Presto! Page Manager File

PFC PF Component

PFC WordPerfect Perfect Fit Filter (Corel Corporation)

PFD Process (iGrafx (a division of Corel Inc.))

PFD ProForm Database Data Entry File (SoftPro)

PFDB Password Fortress Secure Database File (Dunning Software)

PFDT Password Fortress Database Template (Dunning Software)

PFE Programmers File Editor

PFF Tachyon Archive

PFF F22 Lightning 3

PFF Comanche 4

PFF Delta Force Archive (NovaLogic, Inc.)

PFF Zoomify Image Stream (Zoomify, Inc.)

PFF Armored Fist 3 Archive

PFF Formatta Filler Portable Form Files (Formatta Corporation)

PFG jEEPers Program File

PFK XTree Programmable Function Keys

PFL Lenné3D-Player (Lenné3D-Plantage) Plant File (Lenné3D GmbH)

PFL Family Lawyer Data File (Broderbund)

PFL PhotoFiltre Plug-in (Antonio Da Cruz)

PFL Paint Shop Pro Fine Leather Preset (Corel Corporation)

PFL Freelance Graphics DOS Version 4.0 Portfolio Presentation (IBM)

PFL Quicken Lawyer Data File (Intuit)

PFL SmartStation AppsView File

PFM Printer Font Metrics (Adobe)

PFP The Panorama Factory Project

PFR Paint Shop Pro Frame (Corel Corporation)

PFR WebFont Wizard Portable Font Resource

PFS First Publisher ART File

PFS BIOCCELERATOR Homologous Sequence Names

PFS pfs:File Database / pfs:Write Text

PFT ChiWriter Printer Font

PFW Symantec Shared Liveadvisor File

PFX PFXplus Application Source Code (POWERflex Corporation)

PFX Amiga Pageflipper Plus F/X Animation (Amiga)

PFX Rapfile

PFX Personal Information Exchange File

PF_ Encore Compressed Audio File

PG IBM LinkWay Cut/Paste File

PG Printfox/Pagefox

PG 2D Graphic

PGA Solitaire Aztec Peg Backup

PGA PowerGREP Action File (JGsoft - Just Great Software)

PGA IBM Professional Graphics Adapter Image

PGB Rayman2 File

PGC Portable Gaming Notation (PGN) Compressed Format

PGC Egypt Solitaire Back

PGC Compressed Portfolio Graphic

PGD Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Virtual Disk File (PGP Corporation)

PGE Solitaire Peg Back

PGF PowerGREP File Selection (JGsoft - Just Great Software)

PGF Progressive Graphics File (xeraina GmbH)

PGF PGC Portfolio Graphics Compressed Bitmap

PGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid File (Trinble Navigation Limited)

PGI PGraph Library Printer Device Driver

PGL HP Plotter Language

PGL PowerGREP Library (JGsoft - Just Great Software)

PGM CGI Program

PGM Signature Program

PGM Portable Graymap Graphic

PGM Chromeleon Batch Program

PGM RS7000 OS Image (Yahama Corporation)

PGN Portable Game Notation (PGN)

PGN Picatinny Arsenal Electronic Formstore Form in TIFF Format

PGP AutoCAD Program Parameter (Autodesk, Inc.)

PGP Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Key/Signature File (PGP Corporation)

PGP Program Parameter


PGR PowerGREP Results File (JGsoft - Just Great Software)

PGR Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) PGP Groups (PGP Corporation)

PGS PageStream Document (Grasshopper LCC)


PGS DALiM LiTHO Vector Page (Blanchard Systems Inc.)

PGS Man4DOS Manual Page

PGT Sothink Glenda Widget Tools File

PGU PowerGREP Undo History (JGsoft - Just Great Software)

PGX Visual Basic Binary Property Page File

PGZ StreamLync Download Archive (PalmGear)

PGZ TPDesign ver 1.23 Control System Touch Panel Design (AMX Corporation)

PG_ Improve Compressed Audio File

PH MRS-802 Phrase Audio Data (Mono or Stereo Left Channel) (Zoom Corporation)

PH Profan Header File (rgh-soft.de)

PH Help Compiler Phrase Table

PH AOL Phone Home Data File (America Online, Inc.)

PH Optimized Geoworks .GOH File

PH PERL Header

PH3 PHP Script

PH4 PHP Script

PHAPACK PhaPacker Format

PHB TreeView File

PHB ClustaW Tree File

PHB NewLeaf PhraseBook

PHB PhoneB Phonebook File

PHB PhotoBase (ArcSoft, Inc.)

PHC Home Embroidery Format

PHD PolyHedra Database

PHD PC Help Desk File

PHE WinChess Game Record

PHL Icon Collection File

PHL PHP Source File

PHL Database Configuration File

PHM DN - Lync Phone Book

PHM Phorm

PHN UltraFax/QmodemPro Phone List

PHN PhoneFree Internet Telephone

PHN Compuserve Signup File

PHN Phormation

PHO Gerber Photoplot File

PHO Metz Phone Phone List

PHP PHP Script

PHP Presentation

PHP PhotoParade Slideshow (Callisto Corporation)

PHP Creatacard Quick Prints Project (Broderbund)

PHP Picture It! Publishing Project File (Microsoft)

PHP3 PHP Script

PHP4 PHP Script

PHP5 PHP Script

PHPS PHP Source (The PHP Group)

PHPT PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Make Test Test Suite (The PHP Group)

PHQ Handheld Quake Language File

PHR NoExcuse Phrase Checker

PHR MRS-802 Phrase Audio Data (Stereo Right Channel) (Zoom Corporation)

PHR LocoScript Phrases (LocoScript Software)

PHS PHScript File

PHT Partial Hypertext File


PHTML Embedded Perl (ePerl) File


PHTML web-iPerl Document

PHW PhotoWebber Session File (Media Lab)

PHX Phoenix

PHY Spicemod Asic File

PHY2 Marathon 2 Game Physics File (Bungie)

PHYSAO Aleph One Physics Model (Marathon Open Source)

PHZ Point Horizon Spreadsheet with Methods (Logic Scientific)

PH_ C Poet Compressed Disk1 File

PI Extension Associated with W32.Sobig.D@mm Worm

PI Blazing Paddles

PI Image Japan PI

PI$ MS Compressed PIF

PI1 Degas & Degas Elite

PI2 Degas & Degas Elite

PI2 Studio2 High Resolution Encrypted Image (Portrait Innovations, Inc.)

PI3 Degas & Degas Elite

PI4 Degas & Degas Elite

PI5 Degas & Degas Elite

PI6 Degas & Degas Elite

PIC Picture

PIC Pixar Picture

PIC Psion Series 3 Bitmap (Psion PLC)

PIC IBM Storyboard Bitmap

PIC QuickTime Picture (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PIC Radiance Scene Description Image

PIC Rayshade Graphic

PIC SDSC Image Tool Pixar Picture

PIC SoftImage 3D Image

PIC Softimage

PIC Stad File

PIC Pictor Picture

PIC PC Paint Bitmap Graphic

PIC MTV & Rayshade Image

PIC Animator PIC/CEL Bitmap (Autodesk, Inc.)

PIC Delcam Picture File

PIC Handy Scaner Cameron Image

PIC Lotus Picture (IBM)

PIC Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing

PIC Micrografx Draw

PIC Movie BYU File

PIC Bio-Rad Confocal Image (Bio-Rad)

PIC Advanced Art Studio

PICIO Pixar Picture

PICON Personal Icon

PICS PICT Drawing Sequence

PICT Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing

PICT1 Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT Image (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PICT2 Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing

PICTOR PC Paint Image File

PID UNIX Process ID File

PIE Studio2 High Resolution Encrypted Image (Portrait Innovations, Inc.)

PIF OS/2 Graphics Metafile

PIF Macintosh Compressed File Archive


PIF GDF Format Vector Image

PIF Windows Program Information File (Microsoft Corporation)

PIG Ricoh IS30

PIG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD File

PIG Descent Texture File

PIGG City of Heros Virtual Drive Game File (Cryptic Studios)

PILE chum Test Results (Piletest.com Limited)

PIM Personal Information Manager File

PIM PixMaker Project File

PIM Ultimate Draw Pascal Text Mode Image

PIM PIMPLE Compressed File (Ilia Muraviev)

PIM1 Pinnacle Systems Video File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)

PIN PUDL Coded Split File Particle

PIN Epic Pinball Data File

PIN Pushpin Set

PIN Atari ST Graphics Format

PIN Compton's 3D World Atlas

PIN Links Games Player Information File

PIN ArchiCAD (Graphisoft R&D Software Development Rt.)

PIP JPEG,JPG,JPE, JFIF,PJPEG Compressed Bitmap Picture

PIP Office Personalized Menu and Toolbar (Microsoft)

PIPE PIPE-FLO Professional System Model (Engineered Software)

PIPL Photoshop 5.0 SDK Samplecode Colorpicker File (Adobe)

PIQT QuickTime Still (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PIT Macintosh Compressed Archive File

PIV Pivot Stickfigure Animator Cartoon (Peter Bone)

PIV Pivotal Sales Suite Activity File (http://www.pivotal.com/)

PIW PI ProcessBook Display Definition File (OSIsoft, Inc.)

PIX SDSC Alias/Wavefront RLE Image

PIX PrintMaster Graphic File

PIX Truevision Targa Bitmap

PIX PABX Background Bitmap

PIX LUMENA .PIX and .BPX File Formats

PIX Island Graphics

PIX Inset Systems Bitmap or Vector Graphic

PIX ESM Software Pix

PIX Alias PIX Bitmap

PIX Roland Scanner File

PIX Vort

PIXAR Pixar Picture

PIXELPAINT PixelPaint Professional Ver. 1.0/2.0 Image File

PIZ Pizzicato Music Score (ARPEGE sprl)

PIZ Renamed Zip File

PIZ Pizza Connection 2 Saved Game (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)

PI_ Compressed PIC or PIF File

PJ MKS Source Integrity File

PJ SuperProject Project File

PJ Project64 Game Progress File

PJ PaintJet PCL Bitmap (Hewlett-Packard)

PJD Portfolio 7 Exported Categories File (Extensis, Inc.)

PJF iAddress Postal Job File (Flagship Software Ltd.)

PJF Photojunction Format File (Photojunction Ltd.)

PJG Photo Assistant Image

PJL ProCite Term Lists and Journal Title Lists



PJR DVDx Project (labDV)

PJS Purejapan Viewer

PJT AcuBench Project File (Acucorp, Inc.)

PJT Codewright Editor Project (Starbase)

PJT Foxpro Project Memo (Microsoft)

PJT Rational Rose Project (IBM)

PJT Photojunction Template (Photojunction Ltd.)

PJX Foxpro Project (Microsoft)

PJX Foxpro Project index

PJXL PaintJet XL PCL Bitmap (Hewlett-Packard)

PK Audition Graphical Waveform (Adobe)

PK LaTeX Compressed Font

PK Text

PK TeX DVI Driver Packed Bitmap Font

PK3 Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Id Software, Inc.)

PK3 Quake III Engine PAK File (id Software)

PK3 Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 Archive

PK3 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

PK3 American McGee Alice Archive

PK4 Railroad Tycoon 3 Packaged Graphics (PopTop Software Inc.)

PKA Compressed Archive File

PKA PointLineCAD 3D Keyframe Animation (Point Line, Inc.)

PKB QuickPOS (Point-Of-Sale) Keyboard Layout File

PKB Oracle Package Body

PKB The Matrix Online Archive (Sony Online Entertainment Inc.)

PKC Jython JAR Index File

PKC ForeignDesk Project Archive

PKD PowerKaraoke Project File (PAW)

PKD Turbo Pascal Compressed DOS Batch File (Borland Software Corporation)

PKD Top Secret Crypto Gold Compressed File (TAN$TAAFL Software Company)

PKF SecretAgent Key File

PKF ARTiSAN Real-time Studio

PKG OneSpace Designer Package (CoCreate)

PKG P-CAD Database (Altium Limited)

PKG Next Installer Script

PKG Systems Management Server (SMS) Package Description File (Microsoft Corporation)

PKG Automise ActionStudio Action Design (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)

PKG AppleLink Package Compression Format

PKG Developer Studio Application Extension (Microsoft)

PKG MicroSim PCBoard External ASCII Package Definition File

PKG Newton File/Application (Apple Computer, Inc.)

PKGLIST Pepper Keeper Package Installation File (Pepper Computer, Inc.)

PKN Systems Management Server (SMS) Package Creation Notification (Microsoft Corporation)

PKO PublicKey Security Object

PKP MS Development Common IDE Pakage Project File

PKPAK Archive

PKR Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public Keyring (PGP Corporation)

PKR Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Archive

PKS Insight II NMR Peak Intensity/Integral (Accelrys Software Inc.)

PKS Oracle Package Specification

PKT TTC FireBerd 500 Capture File

PKT TeX Font

PKT EtherPeek Collected Packets

PKT Fidonet Packet

PKX Rational XDE (IBM)

PKZ Winoncd Images Mask File

PL TeX Property List Font Metric

PL Fractal Zplot Palette File (Mystic Fractal)

PL Harvard Graphics Palette (Harvard Graphics)

PL PERL Program File

PL Linux Shell Executable Binary

PL Interleaf Printerleaf or WorldView Format

PL PROLOG Program File

PL1 3D Home Architect Room Plan

PL3 Harvard Graphics Chart Palette (Harvard Graphics)

PL4 Micrografx Designer Palette

PL4 Pathloss Network Data File

PLA Total Club Manager Training Routine (Electronic Arts Inc.)

PLA ArchiCAD Plan Archive (Graphisoft R&D Software Development Rt.)

PLA STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PLA Connectivity Memory Model Plasticity Function Additional Precision Input File

PLA APT Assistant

PLASMA Plasma Fractal Image

PLAT Platinum Web Package Compiled Web File (Platinum Inc.)


PLATO PLATO Web Learning Network (PWLN) Temporary File (PLATO Learning, Inc.)

PLAYER Asle / ReDoX 6.1 Format

PLAYER The Player 4.0

PLB DESQview (Symantec)

PLB Foxpro Library (Microsoft)

PLB The Print Shop Multimedia Organizer

PLB STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PLB PCAD Library Management Module File

PLB MSC.Fatigue v9.0 Improved Performance Patch

PLB MicroSim PCBoard Package Library File

PLB LogoShow Screensaver

PLB Insight II Pseudoatom Library (Accelrys Software Inc.)


PLC Lotus Add-in (IBM)

PLC P-CAD Database (Altium Limited)

PLC PL/B Object File (Sunbelt Computer Systems, Inc.)

PLD PLD2 Source File

PLD Messenger Plus! Backup Configuration (Patchou)

PLD PhotoDeluxe PhotoLine Image Document

PLD MIE People Database (MIE Software Pty Ltd)


PLE Messenger Plus! Encrypted Logfile (Patchou)

PLE Phone2PC Sound File (Konexx)

PLEX Visual Perl File

PLF InterVideo WinDVD Playlist File

PLF SalesLogix Pick List Text File (Best Software)

PLF ProLife Cellular Automata Binary Data File

PLG Aston Shell Plug-in (Gladiators Software)

PLG Sibelius Plug-in (Sibelius Software Ltd)

PLG BPM Studio Play List Categories (ALCATech)

PLG ButtonGadget

PLG Developer Studio Build Log (Microsoft)


PLH Paint Shop Pro Light Preset (Corel Corporation)

PLI Oracle 7 Data Description

PLIST Property List XML File

PLJ PlayJ Music Format

PLK Op9630 Am32 File

PLK ATI Radeon Video Driver

PLL PAKLEO Compressed Archive

PLL Clipper Prelinked Library

PLM Panasonic SD Voice Editor File

PLM DisorderTracker2 Module

PLN WordPerfect Spreadsheet File (Corel Corporation)

PLN ArchiCAD 3D Model File (Graphisoft R&D Software Development Rt.)

PLN Psion Organiser Spreadsheet File (Psion PLC)

PLN Flight Simulator Flight Plan (Microsoft)

PLN RealFlight Radio Control Airplane Description (Knife Edge Software)

PLN Home Plan Pro Architecture Design (Home Plan Software)

PLN CTP Scene Definition File (Crater Software)

PLN InDesign 3rd Party Plug-in (Adobe Systems Inc.)

PLO STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File

PLOT UNIX Plot(5) Format

PLP Messenger Plus! Sound Pack (Patchou)

PLP protexIP Project License Profile (Black Duck Software, Inc.)

PLP PicaLoader Project File (VOWSoft, Ltd.)

PLR Player File

PLR Descent Pilot File

PLS WinAmp MPEG PlayList File

PLS Shoutcast File

PLS Real MP3 Playlist

PLS Napster MPEG PLayList File

PLS MYOB Data File (MYOB Technology Pty Ltd.)

PLS MattBatt iAM-player (MattBatt Productions)

PLS Generic Playlist File

PLS Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)

PLS DisorderTracker2 Sample

PLT X-wing vs. Tie Fighter Pilot File

PLT Windows Update

PLT dnaLIMS 3700 Sample Sheet (dnaTools)

PLT Software Platform File

PLT Palette

PLT Page Magic Ver. 2.0 Paper Format

PLT MicroStation Driver Configuration for Plotting (Bentley Systems, Incorporated)

PLT Organiser Paper Layout Definition (IBM)

PLT Infinity Game Engine Bitmap Graphic (BioWare Corp.)

PLT HP Graphics Language

PLT Gerber Sign-making Software File

PLT Clipper 5 Pre-linked Transfer File

PLT Clipper Ver. 5 Pre-linked Transfer File

PLT AutoCAD Plot drawing (Autodesk, Inc.)

PLT OziExplorer Plot Track (Des & Lorraine Newman)

PLUGIN Amaya Plug-in Library File

PLW PicoLog Data File

PLX Executable Perl Script

PLX Neurological Data for Statistical Analysis

PLX PERL Programming Language Script

PLY Blaze Media Pro File

PLY Harvard Graphics Spotlight Presentation Screen (Harvard Graphics)

PLY Polygon Model Format (Stanford University, Georgia Tech)

PLY PopMail Data

PLY MiDi PoWeR Playlist File (ACCORG)

PLY Cyberware Scanner File

PLY AIRO (Odetics Broadcast)

PLZ Lotus Freelance Presentation



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