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количество просмотров: 14753
дата публикации: 21:08:2006
Расширения файлов - G

G Gravity News Database

G ANTLR Options File (Terence Parr and Colleagues)

G Paradox File

G Cliq Accessories Datebook Schedule Group

G Ashton Tate Applause Chart

G01 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G02 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G03 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G04 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G05 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G06 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G07 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G08 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G09 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G10 MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Artwork File (Cadence)

G16 GoldED / DOS Compiled Configuration

G3 G3 FAX File

G32 GFA BASIC 32 Program File

G32 PaperPort Application Link File (32-bit) (ScanSoft Inc.)

G3D GenDesigner 3.x Genealogy Database

G3F Zetafax TIFF File

G3N Zetafax TIFF File

G3S Goletas 3S Triangle Studio Project (Maksim Goleta)

G4 Access (Microsoft)

G4 GTX RasterCAD File

G42 DLS/32 Supply Chain Planning (Adapta)

G4B Sokoban++ Level File

G53 DLS/32 Supply Chain Planning (Adapta)

G64 C64 Emulator Disk Image

G8 PicLab Plane Three Graphics

G8 PictureMaker Green Channel Image Data (Cubicomp)

G9 Gest Data File (Arktec, S.A.)

GAB WINDEV Controls' Styles Description (PC SOFT)

GAB Global Address Book Export File (Dencom)

GAB Connectivity Memory Model Axo-axonic Connections Onto Presynaptic Terminals Input File

GAC Global Audio Control Skin

GAF Total Annihilation

GAK Win32 Shellext File

GAL Corel Multimedia Manager Album

GAL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Gallery

GAL Gallery of Pictures

GAM Klik'n'Play Game (Clickteam)

GAM MacMolPlt GAMESS Input format

GAM Rise of Nations Saved Game (Microsoft)

GAM Vectrex Game

GAM RPG Toolkit Game Project (Christopher Matthews)

GAM Astro-PC Astrology Data File (Aureas Software & Publishing)

GAM The Games Factory Game (Clickteam)

GAM Infinity Game Engine Saved Game (BioWare Corp.)

GAM GammaFax Fax Document

GAM Dark Engine Games (Looking Glass Studio)

GAM Baldur's Gate Game File

GAM TADS Ver. 2.x Game File

GAML Generalized Analytical Markup Language

GAN GanttProject Project Plan File

GANI Graal Game Animation

GAP Electrical Generation Analysis and Planification

GAS Intelligence Tracking System Data File

GAS Grab-a-Site Project File (BlueSquirrel)

GAT Gator File

GAT Genetic Algorithm Timetabler (GATTer) Configuration and Information File (Chris Skardon)

GAU Flight Simulator Gauge (Microsoft)

GAU Gaussian Input File (MDL Information Systems, Inc.)

GAX Rise of Nations Saved Game (Microsoft)

GAX Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Saved Game (Microsoft)

GAY Reported as Sometimes a Porn File

GB CEDICT Chinese/English Dictionary (Erik E. Peterson)

GB Nintendo GameBoy Emulator ROM Image File

GB Printfox/Pagefox Graphic

GB$ BASIC VB Beispiel Kartei File

GB1 Game Maker Backup (Mark Overmars)

GBA GrabIt Batch Files

GBA Nintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image

GBC Nintendo GameBoy Color Emulator ROM Image File

GBD Great Budget Budget Definition File (Great Budget Software)

GBD Gator Banner File

GBF Great Budget Fringe Definition File (Great Budget Software)

GBF InteGrade Pro Gradebook File

GBFS GBFS Archive (Pin Eight)

GBK Interbase Database Backup

GBL VAXTPU Global Definitions

GBL Visual Basic Global Definition

GBOOK The Guest Book Egbook file

GBR Gerber Format File

GBR GIMP Brush File (The GIMP Team)

GBS Nintendo Gameboy Music/Audio Data

GBS Gameshark Online Save/Snapshot

GBSCR GreenBlue Services Script (Ecyware)

GBT Photoshop (Adobe)

GBX Gerber File

GBX Great Budget Budget File (Great Budget Software)

GBX Nadeo Games File Format (Nadeo)

GC Sierra Print Artist Greeting Card

GC1 Golden Common Lisp 1.1 Source Code

GC3 Golden Common Lisp 3.1 Source Code

GCA G Compression Archiver Compressed File

GCA GOCA Graphics File

GCB Guitar Chord Buster

GCC Gnu C++ File


GCD Prassi CD Image (Prassi Technology)

GCD GraphiCAD Data File (GraphiTech Ltd.)

GCD CD Ghost Task

GCD GNUe Class Definition

GCD Generic CADD Drawing

GCF Scream! Guralp Compressed Format (Güralp Systems Ltd.)

GCF Global Virtual Accademy GVA XT Author File

GCF WinXComp Grouped Compressed File

GCF Half-Life Game Cache File (Sierra)

GCF Graphing Calculator (Pacific Tech)

GCG GCG 8 Sequence Chemical File

GCI GTA2 Game File

GCI Sonic Adventure DX Saved Game File (Sega of America, Inc.)


GCK Giants: Citizen Kabuto Customized Map (Planet Moon Studios)

GCK NICET Fire Alarm Test-Prep Software Tracking File (Zenith Design Group, Inc.)

GCM GameCube Image File (Nintendo)

GCM GeoConcept Map File (GeoConcept SA)

GCM Group Mail CMessage Store File

GCP Spectramap Group Properties (Coloritto BV)

GCP Ground Control Point File

GCR GlowCode Profiling Results (Electric Software, Inc.)


GCT ApplinX Screen Scrapper

GD2 GDLib Image

GD3 GreatFamily Family Tree Project (GreatProgs)

GDA [Unknown]

GDB ACT! Group Data File (Best Software CRM Division)

GDB MapSource GPS Waypoint Database (Garmin Ltd.)

GDB GVA2000 Author Lecture (Youngsan Info & Communication Co., Ltd.)

GDB Interbase Database

GDB ProMaster Key Manager Key Management Database (Westorn House Software)

GDB Formula 1 Car Race 2001 Season01 File

GDB Group Mail File

GDB GardenBoss Design File (RedBog Software)

GDF GlossTeX Definition File

GDF FutuRUG Group Definition File (Two Brothers Software)

GDF IBM Graphics Data Format Bitmap

GDF GEOS Dictionary

GDF 3DMove 3D Geological Model (Midland Valley Exploration)

GDF Quartus II Graphic Design File (Altera Corporation)

GDG ReliaSoft RG

GDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)

GDM Bells, Whistles, and Sound Boards Module

GDP Scrolling Game Development Kit Project File (Benjamin Marty)

GDR SymbianOS Bitmap Font File

GDS Chip Layout Information

GDS Image File

GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things

GDT Guitar & Drum Trainer Song Configuration File (Renegade Minds)

GDW GedStar Pro Configuration (GHCS Software)

GE Gecho Configuration File

GE3 Mastercam Mill Tool Library (CNC Software, Inc.)

GE3 Mastercam Geometry File (CNC Software, Inc.)

GEA Fifa World Cup Game Data fe Art Legalscr File

GEB DR Hardware File

GED Family Historian Native Data Format (GEDCOM File) (Calico Pie Limited)

GED Wicat Image

GED Graphic Environment Document

GED GoldED / DOS Compiled Configuration File

GED GEDCOM Family History File

GED EnerGraphics File

GED Micrografx Simply 3D Geometry

GED Game Editor Project File (Game Editor)

GED Arts & Letters Graphics

GEF GE Industrial Systems CIMPLICITY Workbench

GEF Geotechnical Exchange Format (GEONET)

GEF Graphics Exchange Format

GEM Ventura Publisher Vector Graphics

GEM Digital Research GEM Paint


GEN Generations Embroidery Software Design File (Notcina Corporation)

GEN ArcView ARC/INFO UnGenerate Format (ESRI)

GEN Ventura-Generated Text File

GEN Genius Family Tree Data

GEN ToGenBank Format

GEN dBASE Application Generator Compiled Template

GEN Chromeleon Generic Driver Configuration

GEO VideoScope File

GEO VideoScape 3D Object

GEO Trumpf ToPs File

GEO Homeworld Geometry File (Sierra)

GEO GoldED / OS/2 Compiled Configuration File

GEO Geoworks Geode

GEO GeoSoft Compressed Add-on

GEO eXplorist GPS Geocache Manager Database File (Thales Navigation, Inc.)

GEO GeoPaint

GER Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)

GER German Text/HTML Info File

GER GerberView File

GET Povwin Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 File

GETRIGHT GetRight Download in Progress (Headlight Software, Inc.)

GEX GEcho Configuration File

GF Starfleet Command - Empires At War File

GF Pilot Logbook for Grok File

GF METAFONT Generic Font File

GF gFx UNIX Plotting Program

GF Geometric Data

GFA GFA-BASIC MS-DOS Tokenized Source (GFA Software Technologies)

GFA GFA-BASIC 32 ATARI Tokenized Source Ver. 2.x (GFA Software Technologies)

GFA Bitmap Graphic

GFA GFA-BASIC 32 ATARI Tokenized Source Ver. 2.x (Protected) (GFA Software Technologies)

GFB GIFBlast Compressed GIF Image

GFC Patton & Patton Flowcharting 4 File

GFD Menus for GNUe Forms

GFD VISUAL EPR Energy, Fields File

GFF SignalMap Gene-Finding Format (GFF) Data File (NimbleGen Systems Inc.)

GFI Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GFM Computer Graphics Meta-file

GFM Ashton Tate Applause CGM Picture

GFO SGI Radiosity

GFS Immersioni Underwater Decompression File (Mario Giuseppe Leonardi)

GFS GGFileSPlit File Fragment (GGNetworks)

GFT NeoPaint Font

GFT GSP Family Tree


GFW ArcView World File For GIF Image (ESRI)

GFX RSView Machine Edition Graphics Display (Rockwell Automation, Inc.)

GFX Instant Artist image

GFX The Games Factory Extension (Clickteam)

GFX WarCraft II Image File (Blizzard Entertainment)

GFX Print Artist

GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GFX Cue Club Image File

GFY Grafical 1.0 File

GG Gridgen File

GG Koala Paint Compressed File

GG Sega GameGear Game ROM Image

GG Sigmac Compiled Machine Code

GG Google Desktop Gadget (Google)

GG1 Goofy Golf Deluxe Course

GG2 Goofy Golf Deluxe Saved Game

GGDB GGNetworks Database (GGNetworks)

GGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid File (Trinble Navigation Limited)

GGI GGI Extension

GGP GemCom Graphic Format

GGR GIMP Gradient (The GIMP Team)

GGS Gameboy Emulator File

GHI NCSA Mosaic Configuration File

GHO Ghost Disk Image File (Symantec)

GHS Ghost Disk Image Span File (Symantec Corporation)

GHS Lasertank High Scores

GHS Tarshare File

GI Sonic RecordNow! CD Image (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

GI Prassi or PrimoDVD Image

GI Sony CD Extreme Global Image File

GI Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File

GIB Graph-in-the-Box Chart

GID Windows Help Index File (Microsoft)

GID GiD Project Directory (CIMNE (The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering))

GIF Graphic Interchange Format

GIF2 Netobjects Fusion Styles Lines File

GIF87 GIF87 File

GIF89A Gif 89a Image File

GIFENX egis Encrypted GIF File (HiTRUST Inc.)

GIFF Graphic Interchange Format

GIG GigaStudio Sound Bank (TASCAM)

GIH GIMP Animated Brush (The GIMP Team)

GIL GILS Document

GILS GILS Document

GIM Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GINT Gintor Download Assistant Control File

GIO Nyquist V2.10 Test File

GIS ERDAS IMAGINE Gray-scale Bitmap Image (Leica Geosystems , LLC)

GIW Graph-in-the-Box Presentation

GIX Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GJD GetJet Professional Database

GJD 7th Guest Game Archive

GJD 11th Hour Game Archive

GJF Gaussian Input Data File

GJT GAJET Input Data File (UK Health and Safety Laboratory)

GKA GKWIN (Matsushita Electric Works UK Limited)

GKB General Knowledge Base Database (Baltsoft)

GKH Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Image (E-MU Systems)

GKS Graphics Kernel System

GKS Gravis GripKey Document

GL GRASP - Graphical System for Presentation File

GL GALink Script

GL3 Green Line File

GLB Raptor: Call Of The Shadows Support File

GLB Global Module in Basic Program

GLD Glide File

GLD The GUI Loft Design (Johan Lindström)

GLF Grantleigh Labels

GLF AfterGRASP Font (John Bridges)

GLF Golf Save File

GLG MicroSim PCBoard Photoplot Job Description File

GLH Wise Installer Temporary File (Wise Solutions)

GLK PaperPort Application Link File (16-bit) (ScanSoft Inc.)

GLM DInsight Modeling Studio 3D CAD Model (DInsight)

GLM Glim Data File

GLO Instant Text Glossary File (Textware Solutions)

GLO LaTeX Auxiliary for Glossary

GLO Global Module in Basic Program

GLS Babylon Builder

GLS Sothink Glenda Export Shape File

GLS Across Data

GLT Sothink Glenda File

GLU Cyberglue File

GLUE GlueMon Song/Module

GLUT OpenGL Glut-3.6 File

GLUT2 OpenGL Glut-3.6 File

GLUT3 OpenGL Glut-3.6 File

GLV Glove Data File (New Planet Software)

GLY ACT! Layout (Best Software CRM Division)

GLY Word Glossary (Microsoft)

GM Autologic Bitmap

GM0 S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GM1 S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GM1 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM2 Autologic Bitmap

GM2 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM2 S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GM3 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM3 S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GM4 S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GM4 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM4 Autologic Bitmap

GM5 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM6 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM6 Game Maker Project File (Mark Overmars)

GM7 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM8 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GM9 Heroes of Might & Magic III Saved Game (The 3DO Company)

GMA S.A.P.S. - Sharp Advanced Presentation Software Professional

GMANIFEST Google Desktop Gadget Control File (Google)

GMAX gmax Game Creator (Autodesk, Inc.)

GMB GoldMine Business Contact Management Backup Data (FrontRange Solutions Inc.)

GMB Great Budget Model (Template) File (Great Budget Software)

GMD IMAGINE Graphical Model (Erdas)

GMD Game Maker Stored Game Under Development (Mark Overmars)

GMD Great Budget Model Definition for the Template (Great Budget Software)

GME GunBound Main GunBound Executable (Softnyx)

GME Interact DexDrive Playstation Memory Card Save

GME Multi Game Memory Editor Main Game File (Opencoding.net)

GMF Great Budget Fringe Definition for the Template (Great Budget Software)

GMF Robot Arena: Design & Destroy Graphic (Gabriel Group, Inc.)

GMF Applause CGM Graphics

GML Game Maker Script (Mark Overmars)

GML Graphlet Graphscript File

GML NetRemote XML-based Configuration File

GML Geography Markup Language

GMLWB Garry's Mod Lua Weapons Builder Project File (Happymax)

GMM Group Mail Message Log File

GMO GNU Gettext GNU Machine Object File (Free Software Foundation)

GMP Group Mail List Information File

GMP GTA2 Game File

GMP Geomorph Tile Map

GMP Railroad Tycoon 3 Scenarios and Saved Games (PopTop Software Inc.)

GMR Schlafhorst Automation Graphical Monitor Record

GMR Game Maker Compiled Game (Mark Overmars)

GMS Corel Graphics10 Draw File

GMS Corel Global Macro File

GMT Scarlett Expert System Compiler Grammar File

GMX Group Mail Message File

GNA Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GNI VisiDAQ Strategy File (Visidaq Solutions, Inc.)

GNM Generator GNM Output Log/Music

GNO Genopro Genealogy Document File (Genogram) (GenoPro Inc.)

GNT Micro Focus Generated COBOL Code

GNUMERIC Gnumeric Default XML-based File (GNOME Foundation)

GNX Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GO GraphOn Bitmap Image

GO CompuServe (CompuServe)

GO1 Wingames Go File

GOA SpiceCAD File

GOB Jedi Knights Game Archive (Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.)

GOB Indiana Jones 3D Game Archive (Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.)

GOB Dark Forces Game Archive (Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.)

GOBJ Geoworks Object Code

GOC Geoworks GOC Source Code

GODD G.O.D Arena Partial Downloaded Game File (Games On Demand ( Australia ) Pty. Ltd. (G.O.D))

GOE McIDAS System Satellite Image Data

GOES McIDAS System Satellite Image Data

GOH Geoworks GOC Header

GOO Kai's Power Goo / Kai's Supergoo

GOODNESS Goodness File

GOR Gorilla

GOULD Gould Scanner Bitmap

GOV Netmino File

GOX The Games Factory Extension (Clickteam)

GP Geoworks Glue Geode Parameter File

GP Gofer Project

GP1 Street Atlas GPS Log (Delorme)

GP3 CCITT Group 3 File

GP3 Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature (Arobas Music)

GP4 CCITT Group 4 File

GP4 Guitar Pro Ver. 4 Tablature (Arobas Music)

GP4 GTX Group IV Format /CALS Picture

GP5 Guitar Pro Ver. 5 Tablature (Arobas Music)


GPF Ragnarok Online Gravity Re-Packed File (Gravity Co., Ltd. & Lee Myoungjin)

GPG GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) Public Keyring (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)


GPH Freelance Graphics for OS/2

GPH Stata Graph

GPH 1-2-3 Graph (IBM)

GPI Bitware Fax File

GPK WaveLab Peak File (Steinberg)

GPK Omnigo Program Package

GPK Geos Compressed Omnigo File Archive

GPL GPS Log File

GPL XMap GPS Log File (Delorme)

GPLT Gnuplot Plot Files

GPN GlidePlan Map Document (GlidePlan Inc.)

GPP GraphPap Graph Paper File

GPP Serif GraphicsPlus Object

GPR GMS Project File (Environmental Modeling Systems, Inc.)


GPS Tripod Data Systmes Survey Pro GPS Coordinate File

GPS Pocket CoPilot GPS Tracks Data File

GPS MicroImages GPS Log File (MicroImages, Inc.)

GPS BPM Studio File/Play List Structure (ALCATech)

GPT MOPAC Graph File (CambridgeSoft Corporation)

GPT MicroImages Text Group (MicroImages, Inc.)

GPX GraphX Document (FlexSoft)

GPX GPS eXchange Format (TopoGrafix)


GPZ Msdev Common Ide Utility Projects File

GQ QLFC Compressed Archive

GQ Epson Printer Page Description Language

GQA BI/Query Data Model Admin Layer

GQL BI/Query Data Model

GQU BI/Query Data Model User Layer

GR XGMML (eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language) File

GR2 Windows 3.0 Screen Driver

GR2 Granny Game Content File (RAD Game Tools, Inc.)

GR3 Windows 3.0 Screen Grabber

GR4 Pathloss Network File Sharing File

GRA OpenGL Object

GRA STN Express Transcript Graphics File

GRA Flight Simulator File (Microsoft)

GRA Graph Chart (Microsoft)

GRA SigmaPlot Data File

GRAAL Graal Level (Cyberjoueurs)

GRADS Metafile

GRAFFLE OmniGraffle Drawing (The Omni Group)

GRAFSAO Aleph One Shapes (Marathon Open Source)


GRASP Animation

GRAY Raw Gray Samples

GRB Gridded Binary


GRB HP-48sx Calculator GROB Graphic Object

GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor

GRBDROPFILE GetRight (Headlight Software, Inc.)

GRD StrongDisk Encrypted Disk Image (PhysTechSoft Ltd.)

GRD Grid File

GRD Photoshop Gradient File (Adobe)

GRD Gradebook Power File

GRD Golden Software Surfer

GRD Drivers for GRX

GRD 3D Garden Composer Design File (DiComp, Inc.)

GRDEF Geoworks UI resource file

GRE Webalizer.01 Language File

GREY RAW RGB 24-bit Graphic

GRF Stanford Image

GRF DPlot Graph File

GRF Graph Plus Drawing (Corel)

GRF Insight II Standard Graph Definition File (Accelrys Software Inc.)

GRF Graph

GRF Graph Edit File (Microsoft)

GRF Grafix Idea File

GRF Golden Software Graph File

GRF DLG Graphic Format

GRF Ragnarok Online Game Archive (Gravity Co., Ltd. & Lee Myoungjin)

GRF Level Up! Site Information File (Level Up!)

GRF Ragnarok Packed File (Gravity Co., Ltd.)

GRG GreatFamily Graphic Gallery (GreatProgs)

GRIB Gridded Binary

GRK Kreon Scanner File

GRK Gradekeeper Class Gradebook (Daniel Ethier)

GRL MATLAB Graphic Format (The MathWorks, Inc.)

GRM Minos File

GRM VISUAL EPR Input Data for FIntGraf

GRN Masterpoint Green Points File (ABF Masterpoint Centre)

GRN Granny 3D Rendering Program

GRN Drivers for GRX

GRO Warlords Battlecry Archive

GRO Serious Sam Game File (Croteam Ltd.)

GRO HP-48/48sx/49 Graphic Object Bitmap (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

GROB HP-48/48sx/49 Graphic Object Bitmap (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)

GRP Shadow Warrior Archive

GRP PixBase Pictures Group

GRP Duke Nukem 3D Archive

GRP Windows Program Manager Group

GRP BPM Studio File/Play List Archive (ALCATech)

GRP DESQview (Symantec)

GRP Starcraft Archive

GRP ACT! Group Data File (Best Software CRM Division)


GRQ Quickstep Barco Graphics

GRS GetRight Skin (Headlight Software, Inc.)

GRS Packedge Barco Graphics

GRT VISUAL EPR Calculation Results of Fields

GRV Groove Networks File

GRV Cakewalk (Cakewalk)

GRW SeeYou Waypoint (Naviter)

GRX GetRight File List (Headlight Software, Inc.)


GRY RAW RGB 24-bit Graphic

GRZ GRZip II Compressed Archive (Magic Software Online)

GRZ GRZip Compressed Archive (Magic Software Online)

GS eXplorist GPS Geocache Waypoint File (Thales Navigation, Inc.)

GS Gofer Script

GS1 GraphShow Presentation

GS1 Genecyst Save State 1

GS2 Genecyst Save State 2

GS3 Genecyst Save State 1

GS4 Genecyst Save State 4

GS5 Genecyst Save State 5

GS6 Genecyst Save State 6

GS7 Genecyst Save State 7

GS8 Genecyst Save State 8

GS9 Genecyst Save State 9

GSA GeneStudio Alignment File (GeneStudio, Inc.)

GSB GeneSys Battery File (Psytech International)

GSC GeneStudio File

GSD GSM Internet Realtime Audio

GSD Professional Draw Vector Graphics

GSE GeneSys Export File (Psytech International)

GSF Golf Seasons File

GSF Gedemin Settings File (Golden Software of Belarus, Ltd)

GSF Multi Game Memory Editor Date File (Opencoding.net)

GSI GeneSys Remote Administration File (Psytech International)

GSM US Robotics Modem File GSM Audio over MODEM File

GSM Raw GSM 6.10 Audio Stream

GSM ArchiCAD Library Object (Graphisoft R&D Software Development Rt.)

GSMA Glove Shack Mail Archive (The Glove Shack)

GSN GeneSys Norm File (Psytech International)

GSO WinOrganizer or GoldenSection Notes Database (The Golden Section Labs)

GSP Giza Specifier Project File (20-20 Technologies)

GSP Geometer's Sketchpad Document File (Key Curriculum Press)

GSR GeneSys Report File (Psytech International)

GSS Geometer's Sketchpad Script (Key Curriculum Press)

GSS Multi Game Memory Editor Memory Snapshot (Opencoding.net)

GST Multi Game Memory Editor Template File (Opencoding.net)

GST Need for Speed

GST MapInfo Geoset File

GST Giza Specifier Template File (20-20 Technologies)

GSV GameShark SP Gameboy Advance Game Save Info (Mad Catz, Inc.)

GSV Genecyst SRAM ROM Dump

GSW GraphShow Worksheet

GSW GRDSOZ4W Gerdsooz Source File

GSX Gens 2.0 Save State File

GT2 Graoumf Tracker Music Module

GTAR GNU tar Compressed File Archive (GNU Tape Archive)

GTF Tom Clancey's Ghost Recon Game File (Red Storm Entertainment)

GTF PGA Golf Binary File

GTH Domino Document Manager (IBM)

GTK Graoumf Tracker Music Module

GTM GPS TrackMaker General Map File (Geo Studio Technologies Ltd.)

GTO Quicken On-line File (Intuit)

GTP Atari Executable

GTP Guitar Pro Tablature (Arobas Music)

GTP MultiFS Video File

GTS Genome Software Tempo Alarm Clock

GTT Guntram's Tabletweaving Thingy

GTX GTX Group IV Raster Graphic

GTY Gibson Tray File

GUIDE Amigaguide Hypertext Document (Amiga, Inc.)

GUN Tom Clancey's Ghost Recon Gun Description File (Red Storm Entertainment)

GUP PopMail Data

GUR Gutsch & Exner Software Update Undo

GUX Gutsch & Exner Software Update

GV Grandview

GVI Google Video File (Google)

GVP Google Video Pointer (Google)

GWC Golfwits Course Map (Siscosoft, Inc.)

GWF Benthic Golden

GWI Groupwise File

GWK GraphiCode Printed Circuit Board Drawing

GWM Epson Creative Studio 30 Example File

GWP Greetings WorkShop File

GWP GoodWay Flight Planner Flight Plan File (GoodWay)

GWS GeoMedia Geoworkspace File

GWV Groundwater Vistas Packaged Model File (Environmental Simulations International Ltd (ESI))

GWX Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GWZ Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation

GX1 Show Partner Graphics File

GX2 Show Partner Graphics File

GXA General CADD Pro Attributes (General CADD Products, Inc.)

GXC General CADD Pro Component (General CADD Products, Inc.)

GXD Jeol EX Spectrometer Data File

GXD General CADD Pro Drawing File (General CADD Products, Inc.)

GXD GX-Reports File

GXF Grid Exchange Format

GXF General CADD Pro Font (General CADD Products, Inc.)

GXL Genus Graphics Library

GXM General CADD Pro Macro Script (General CADD Products, Inc.)

GXP Jeol EX Spectrometer Data File

GXR Genexus Report Viewer

GXR GX-Reports File

GXS GrafiXML Native Format (Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve)

GXT Grand Theft Auto II/III Text (Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.)

GYM Geoworks Generic Symbol File

GYM Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Music Logged Format (Sega)

GZ Gzip Compressed Archive

GZ GIMP Image File (The GIMP Team)

GZA GZA Compressed Archive

GZF Webcopier File

GZIP GNU Zip Compressed Archive

GZIP Gzip Compressed Archive

GZL Go!Zilla File

GZP Giants: Citizen Kabuto



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